The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Foreign-Assisted and Special Projects Office (FASPO) recently concluded a 4-day mid-year assessment and planning workshop from July 18-21, 2023, at the Ramada by Wyndham Hotel in Binondo, Manila.

The event brought together fifty-five (55) participants, including project coordinators, consultants, finance officers, and Chief Agrarian Reform Provincial Officers (CARPOs) from DAR Regional offices, all eager to assess their progress and plans for the second semester of project implementation.

Day 1

The FASPO Mid-year Assessment and Planning workshop kicked off with a spirited ceremony. Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer (PARPO) Mr. Jose Jenil C. Demorito began the first day by acknowledging the attendees and delivering an inspiring message, setting the tone for the days ahead. Assistant Secretary Josef Angelo Martires delivered his welcome remarks, presenting the analogy of superheroes and public servants with five (5) significant takeaways: 

  • To foster engagement with Regional CARPOs, who are the most seasoned in the DAR’s field force, in regard to PBD (Program Beneficiaries Development), as CARPOs are the DAR’s direct linkage in the delivery of various support services.
  • To appreciate each other’s company, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among the participants. 
  • To join forces and bring their unique skills and perspectives to the table, recognizing the power of collaboration and diversity in achieving organizational goals.
  • To embrace innovation and not be afraid to try something new, emphasizing the need for adaptability in an ever-evolving landscape. 
  • To remember a public servant’s accountability and responsibility, underscoring the significance of upholding the trust placed by the public. 

The first session of the workshop set off with a presentation and discussion of FASPO’s first-semester performance led by Executive Assistant IV Ms. Josie J. Arevalo, in which she discussed the physical and financial performances of FASPO’s ongoing and in-the-pipeline projects concerning its planned activities. The presentation concluded with a discussion of issues and concerns raised by the partner CARPOs and project managers. Subsequently, an overview of physical and financial performance, as well as the status of all ongoing FAPs until 30 June 2023, was presented by project coordinators

Executive Assistant II Mr. John Wesly Lacsamana, delivered an overview of the mid-year performance and current standing of Fiber for the Future (F4F). During its first semester, the F4F sets a framework of expectations and outlines planned activities for the second semester. The next presenter was Project Manager Mr. Gomer Tumbali of Project ConVERGE, presenting an overall project average of ninety-eight (98%) percent. Mr. Tumbali also shared the accomplishments and challenges encountered during the course of the project, making it an exemplar among its concurrent projects. 

Afterward, Kumustasaka Project Coordinator Ms. Jasmin Magtibay discussed the status and concerns of Kumustasaka. Lastly, Policy Planning and Research Office (PPRO) Assistant Secretary Joey G. Sumatra gave a presentation on Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT), where he outlined the key deliverables and 2023 targets of SPLIT by the end of the year. 

The program concluded with a networking opportunity to engage and create connections with partner CARPOs and staff.

Day 2

As the second day began, the workshop continued with a short quiz and integration facilitated by FASPO staff. Participants took part in quiz checking, expressed issues about the given topic, and shared expertise gained in agrarian reform project implementation.

The morning session continued with a presentation of FASPO website performance and status led by PARPO Jose Jenil C. Demorito and a discussion of the Financial Performance of FASPO’s ongoing projects led by the Finance and Management Service (FMS) Director Dennis Ramos, followed by a presentation of the Status/Action Taken on COA Audit Findings for the fiscal year ended December 2022.

Project Converge and Project SPLIT have been brought to the forefront regarding the status and action taken on COA Audit Findings. Financial Officer Mr. Rey P. Guanzon presented Project ConVERGE noting that the project has received an unqualified opinion and has a favorable assessment. Senior Administrative and Finance Specialist Mr. Teody T. Rojas, on the other hand, presented Project SPLIT, highlighting specific COA concerns that have been identified, and must be addressed within the current year. The morning session concluded with a message from FASPO Under Secretary Jesry T. Palmares, in which he emphasized that the FASPO should work hand-in-hand with partner agencies and regional offices until September 2023, before the budget hearing begins. 

During the afternoon session, Finance Coordinator Ms. Rosalia B. Manuel discussed the performance and status of completed Foreign-Assistance Projects (FAPs). She raised concerns about the financial status of completed projects and provided backstories, discussions, and feedback from other related issues during project implementations. 

“FASPO should work hand-in-hand with partner agencies and regional offices until September 2023, before the budget hearing begins.”

Jesry T. Palmares, Undersecretary FASPO

A presentation and consultation regarding the FASPO in-the-pipeline projects were also showcased for the Regional CARPOs’ Provincial Beneficiaries Development (PBD). Senior Technical Support Staff IV Mr. Manuel “Boy” Jarmin conducted the presentation on Rehabilitation and Improvement of Settlement Economies (RISE) to be modified into Modern Agrarian Reform Communities and Organized Settlements (MARCOS), while Project Consultant Ms. Lanie De Leon, provided the presentation on the Pang-agraryong Tulay para sa Bagong Bayanihan ng mga Magsasaka (PBBM) Project. Throughout the session, the participants posed queries and actively participated in stimulating discussions with the presenters. The second day concluded with an icebreaker game to promote teamwork and collaboration among the participants.

Day 3

On the third day, the workshop transitioned towards a more hands-on approach. The participants were divided into groups and partook in a game prepared by the FASPO staff. During the game, the facilitators provided a rundown of the previous day’s event while guiding the participants toward accurate answers for each game question. Following the end of the game activity, the workshop proceeded with a presentation and consultation session regarding FASPO’s in-the-pipeline projects with the regional CARPOs. 

The projects discussed included the World Bank and DAR Gap Analysis of Support Services to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (WBGas) presented by Senior Technical Support Staff II Mr. Rhoderick Torres, the DAR Digitization Project for System-Wide Ecosystem (DDPSE), presented by Ms. Lanie De Leon, and the VISTA project, as reported by Mr. John Wesly Lacsamana. Overall, the morning session allowed project coordinators to share their concerns and seek guidance from regional CARPOs. 

The afternoon session, on the other hand, took a more practical turn when the PBBM project consultants, Ms. Lanie De Leon and Ms. Grace Pedragosa, demonstrated the Geotagging App, Bridge Coordinate Plotting in Google Earth Pro, and the GeoAgri database system. The PBBM Project Coordinators invited DA (BAFE) OIC-Chief Engr. Arnel L. Tenorio to present the Geo Agri Database System, which intrigued the participants’ interest. Furthermore, the submission of the Initial Validation Form for the PBBM implementation was also discussed and reviewed with partner CARPOs. 

The third day was completed with a discussion of agreements made at the first semester FASPO Planning Workshop and strategies for the upcoming semester.

Day 4

As the final day arrived, participants gathered in the training hall to share and discuss the key learnings throughout the 4-day event. As the participants shared their insights and discussed future strategies for the FASPO projects, the room was filled with eagerness and resolve. Each participant expressed their appreciation for the valuable information they obtained and the networking opportunities provided. The event was deemed a resounding success, leaving participants with actionable strategies and a renewed sense of motivation for the second half of the year. The workshop reached its culmination with an inspiring message by Special Projects Assistant Secretary Rene Colocar, explicitly directed towards the esteemed participants, particularly the members of the FASPO. 

Overall, the FASPO Mid-year Assessment and Planning Workshop 2023 was a transformative experience for all involved. It provided a platform for collaboration, learning, and growth, ensuring that participants were well-prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead until the end of Fiscal Year 2023.