The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) awarded 56 certificates of land ownership award (CLOAs) covering a total of 174.7 hectares of agricultural properties to 56 agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) in the town of Murcia, Negros Occidental.

Among the landholdings transferred to the ARBs is a 143-hectare property originally maintained by MRM Agricultural Corporation, identified by Title Number T-123227 and bearing Lot No. 110-B in Barangay Alegria.

Maya Angeli Development Corporation managed the other allocated property, which has 31.7 hectares and Title Number T-106632, Lot No. 162, and is located in Barangay Abo-abo.

According to Municipal Agrarian Reform Program Officer Edelita Abanilla, the lands distributed are expected to improve their economic circumstances.

Abanilla added that the DAR helps the ARBs enrich the lands awarded to them and improve their livelihood activities by providing them with necessary support services they need.

He said that the undertaking is in consonance with the directive of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., through the leadership of DAR Secretary Conrado Estrella III, to provide farmers with agricultural lands to till.