The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) has stated that it will begin deputizing its lawyers as counsel in cases seeking just compensation for agricultural properties covered by the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) when representing the DAR as counsel on situations requiring appropriate compensation, Atty. Napoleon Galit, Undersecretary for Legal Affairs Office, urged all appointed DAR lawyers to follow proper protocol by entering an appearance in their respective areas of assignment.

This move comes after DAR received a favorable response from Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra about the department’s request “to exercise authority and full and direct control” over all lawyers of the DAR in the handling of just compensation cases before regional trial courts sitting as Special Agrarian Courts.

In response to the request, Guevarra stressed that the “functions subject of the good undersecretary’s request does not fall within the coverage of an OSG (Office of the Solicitor General) deputation.” He added that “The appointment of the good undersecretary as head of the legal sector of the DAR is exclusively within the powers of the Department Secretary, and is, therefore, external to the OSG’s mandate.”

This move shows the DAR’s commitment to supporting the rights of agrarian reform beneficiaries, ensuring that they receive just compensation for their land. Through the deputization of its lawyers, the department hopes to improve its handling of just compensation cases and ensure that ARBs receive the support and representation they need in court.