The Foreign Assisted and Special Projects Office (FASPO) of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) traces its beginnings from the R.A. 6657 or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, and R.A. 9700 or the CARPER of 2009, from which subsequent Memorandum Circulars were issued by the DAR creating the FASPO, authorizing it to package proposals and receive grants , aid and other financial assistance from any source, whether foreign or domestic with the purpose of extending support services to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs).

The Foreign-Assisted and Special Projects Office (FASPO) was created in order to streamline the management system and structure of foreign-assisted projects (FAPs) under the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), with the following mandates:

  1. The FASPO shall serve as One-Stop-Shop Provide technical assistance and administrative support to Project Management Offices (PMOs). This includes Project Implementation Assistance, Project Coordination & Monitoring & Project Financial Management.
  2. Expedite the delivery of essential support serviced to the Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs).
  3. Serve as “contact unit” or “clearing house” within DAR to expedite coordination of activities and collaboration of efforts amongst agencies or governments.
  4. Assure all Foreign Assisted Projects (FAPs) are mainstreamed and consistent with DAR’s goals, objectives, and policy framework and program priorities.
  5. Responsible for proper integration of FAPs and ensure effective coordination and complementation of resources.
  6. Authorize conduct of all regular workshops, conferences, and all regular coordination meeting.

OneFASPO embodies an interdisciplinary team under one umbrella to achieve a common goal of extending sustained support services to ARBs.